Pro Kitchen Families | Complete Tutorial

Step 1: Layout

Choose your Kitchen Layout:

  1. Linear
  2. L-Shape
  3. U-Shape
  4. Z-Shape
  5. Box
  6. Add a Kitchen Island with the Linear Countertop
revit kitchen countertop

To change the dimensions of the Countertop simply drag the shape arrows or type in the desired dimensions in the Properties Panel:

revit kitchen counter top

Turn on or off the Countertop Legs, Backsplash and Countertop Profile:

revit kitchen counter top

The Countertop Depth, Height and Thickness are Type Parameters:

revit kitchen counter top


Materials are also Type Parameters:

revit kitchen


Step 2: Base and Top Cabinets

2.1 Base Cabinets

Place the Base Cabinets, you can also add an Integrated Oven Cabinet or a Dishwasher (Available in the Professional Package). If you are working with a non Linear Layout, don't forget to start from the Corner Cabinets.

kitchen cabinets revit

Choose the base: Toe Kick base or Legs

revit kitchen cabinets

When dealing with open corners, you can tick the Right / Left corner to create a setback (Offset):

revit kitchen families

Check the Type Properties to change the legs / toe kick height, depth and side depth: 

kitchen cabinet revit

You can also choose between Rectangular Leg and Circular one: 

kitchen cabinet revit

Change the Cabinet Depth if needed: Duplicate Type and change the Depth Parameter

revit kitchen cabinet family

Change the Width and Height from the Properties Panel: 

revit kitchen families

2.2 Top Cabinets

Top Cabinets are the same as the Base Cabinets, minus the toe kick part / legs, usually with a thinner depth. Use the Elevation from level to move them up, usually it starts from 140 cm off ground level:

kitchen top cabinets revit

revit top kitchen cabinet


2.3 Door Facade

Choose the Door Façade Type from the Properties Panel, you may choose more than one cabinet at once (the wonders of Shared Parameters):

revit kitchen cabinet family

revit kitchen cabinet family 

There's a catalogue of 18 Facades to choose from:

revit kitchen cabinet family 

Choose the opening direction, there are 5 options: Bottom, Left, Right, Up and Drawer Opening:

revit kitchen cabinet family 

2.4 Handles

Choose the Handle Type from the Properties Panel: 

revit handle family

There are 20 Handle Types and you can create more!

revit handle

It's extremely important NOT to Delete the "RD_Handle - Empty" Family. 

To create a new Type, choose a Handle Family, Right Click to Duplicate a Type and change dimensions, material and other parameters. 

revit dulicate type

Handle position is controlled by an X and Y Offset Parameters from the Properties Panel, the measurement is always from the Handle center: 

revit kitchen handles

For Two Door Cabinets, there are multiple choices for the Handle Position: Top, Middle and Bottom

revit families kitchen download

For Cabinets combining Doors and Drawers, there are multiple choices for the Handle Type and Position: 

revit family kitchen


Step 3: Drawers, Shelves and details

3.1 Drawers

Cabinets with drawers are very easy to adjust. The Cabinet with Equal number of drawers simply divides the Cabinet Height into X equal drawers: 

revit kitchen drawers

The Cabinets with unequal drawers allow to adjust each drawer height individually while the upper drawer height is the result of the Cabinet Height - Other Drawers Height. The numbering of the drawers begins from the bottom up: 

revit kitchen drawers

Each drawer could be opened to demonstrate its depth in 3D views, Renders and sections:

revit kitchen drawers

Drawer Interior part could be turned on and off, and changed too: 

revit kitchen drawers

3.2 Pull-Out Larder

A Pull-out larder cabinet could be used as a base cabinet or a tall one. 

Pull-out larder cabinet includes a parametric inner drawers unit where you can control the number of drawers, height of each drawer and top offset. Please note that the drawer height parameter refers to the storage space of the drawer.

Adjust the number of inner drawers:

pull out larder revit

Adjust the drawer height (storage space): 

pull out larder revit

Adjust the Top Offset: 

pull out larder revit


3.3 Shelves

Shelves could be turned on and off, and choose the shelves number from the Properties Panel. Use the Coarse Detail Level to work on the interior parts of the cabinets: 

revit kitchen shelf

Adjust the shelf depth and choose the shelves Type: Simple or L-Shape

revit kitchen shelf 


Step 4: Tall Cabinets

Tall Cabinets could be found in both the Advanced and Professional Package.

There are two groups of Tall Cabinets: Tall Cabinets (Advanced Package) and Tall Cabinets with integrated Oven and Microwave (only in the Professional Package).  

revit kitchen tall cabinets

4.1 Tall Cabinets Doors and Handles

Picking the Door and Handle type is similar to the Base Cabinets. For each Tall Cabinet there are more than one option to make it possible to create separate custom designs for the drawer parts, swing doors and top parts. 

There are 3 Door Types to pick: 

revit kitchen tall cabinets

There are 3 Handle Types to pick:

revit kitchen tall cabinets

4.2 Tall Cabinets Dimensions

Cabinet dimensions are set in a way that the Top Part is always the result of the calculation: The Cabinet Height - Lower Parts. You can adjust the Drawers Height and Middle Swing Door from the Properties Panel: 

revit kitchen tall cabinets

4.3 Integrated Oven and Microwave

The Integrated Oven and Microwave are also nested Families with multiple Materials: 

revit oven microwave

The Oven and Microwave Families are placed according to the height of the lower parts (in this case, two drawers).

Their Height could be adjusted too:

revit oven microwave

You may swap the Microwave Family for another Oven and get a Tall Cabinet with two Ovens: 

revit kitchen cabinet with oven


Step 5: Appliances and Plumbing Fixtures

You can find them all in the Electrical Equipment and Plumbing Fixtures Categories. Most Families are Face-Based to quickly place it on top of surfaces.

revit kitchen appliances 

Also, most Families have their dimensions as instance parameters to quickly adjust the objects: 

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Step 6: Graphics

This is our favorite part! Use the Detail Level settings to build and design the kitchen part by part. 

Coarse Detail Level: To create the basic Kitchen Structure, choosing the number of shelves, drawers, rough dimensions and placement of cabinets. Also, use the Coarse Detail Level to place Kitchenware inside the Cabinets.

Medium Detail Level: To work on door opening directions, type of Panels and, materials and Kitchen appliances.

Fine Detail Level: To work on fine-tuning the Kitchen Handles: their Type, materials, dimensions and final placement.

revit kitchen families

Elevation Graphics: choose between a clean façade or showing the opening lines: 

revit kitchen families

Floor Plan Graphics: choose between hidden lines, simple drawing or detailed drawing:

revit kitchen families

Cabinet Opening Lines: choose between no lines, or pick the opening angle: 

revit kitchen families


Step 7: Furniture and Entourage

Make the most out of the Professional Kitchen Pack to create interesting and realistic scenes. You can find them all in the Furniture, Generic Model and Planting Categories. Most Families are Face-Based to quickly place it on top of surfaces. 

revit kitchen furniture



Pro Tips

When placing a sink over a Base Cabinet, make sure to remove the Base Cabinet Top Panel:

kitchen family revit

You can always make custom combinations from the Base Cabinets to create new Tall Cabinets: 

kitchen cabinets revit



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